1: "12 Prediabetes Foods to Avoid - Beware of sugary beverages and processed snacks to manage blood sugar levels effectively."

2: "Sugary Breakfast Cereals - Choose whole grains and protein-rich options for a balanced start to your day."

3: "Sweetened Yogurt - Opt for plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit for a healthier alternative."

4: "White Bread - Switch to whole grain or sourdough bread for added fiber and nutrients."

5: "Fried Foods - Bake, grill, or sauté foods instead of deep frying to reduce unhealthy fats."

6: "Processed Meats - Go for lean proteins like chicken, fish, and plant-based alternatives."

7: "Sugary Condiments - Use herbs, spices, and vinegar for flavor without added sugars."

8: "Sugary Snacks - Choose nuts, seeds, and fruits for satisfying and nutritious snacks."

9: "High-Sugar Cereals - Opt for oatmeal or whole grain cereals with minimal added sugars for a nourishing breakfast."